Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Radio Interview About Families

Please go to the following link to hear interview concerning families,education and child care needs.

If the link does not work you can go to, wobmam. com and follow these steps;click Jersey shore news,
Below the title,"As heard on wobm" click interviews and lastly...
click video and audio page and it will bring you to the interview.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Diana Spatz Story.....

Diana Spatz is now the Executive Director of "LIFETIME" (Low-Income Families' Empowerment Through Education) and SPAN (The Student Parent Action Network).Address: 1880 Fairway DriveSan Leandro, CA 94577 Tel: (510) 352-5160.Student Parent Help Line: 1-888-404-7726 (toll free).Email: LIFETIME - geds-to-phds
To read a full account of the barriers and challenges facing parents on welfare who want to access funds available for their education, read Diana Spatz's article "Welfare Reform Skips School" in the June 2, 1997, issue of The Nation available free at your local public library or for purchase as a PDF file online through The Nation's archival site: The Nation Digital Archive.

Diana Spatz was a single mother on welfare. She encountered many barriers when she tried to get an education to become self-sufficient, but she found ways to overcome them. She now works to help other parents on welfare gain access to funding that is available for their education. Diana says:
Fifteen years ago I was a single mom living in California trying to exist on welfare. When I learned that California had education and training programs for people receiving Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) I decided to sign up. I learned about a federal Family Support Act (FSA) that established the Job Opportunities and Basic Skills (JOBS) training program requiring states to design their own job-training and placement programs.
For poor mothers who relied on AFDC, the Family Support Act offered the chance to become self-sufficient -- but only in theory. The gap between the rhetoric of encouraging self-sufficiency and the way the services were administered became clear to me when I tried to get into the California program.
I wanted to learn word processing. It paid around $15 an hour, far better than my last housecleaning job, where I'd earned a little over minimum wage. Tired of struggling on a welfare grant that barely paid the rent, I jumped at the chance to get training -- but the state agency turned me away. According to the intake worker, my case wasn't a priority since I had a 10-month-old child. Her suggestion? "Check back in five or six years."
Facing the prospect of six more years on welfare, I put my child on the two-year waiting list for subsidized child care and made plans to enroll in a community college to learn word processing on my own. But shortly after I began classes, my caseworker decided to count financial aid as income. She cut off my welfare benefits and ignored all my calls.
With no money for rent or food, and no medical coverage just as my daughter became ill, I was almost forced to quit school. Instead, assisted by the San Francisco Neighborhood Legal Assistance Foundation (funding to such groups, not incidentally, was gutted by Congress in 1996), I represented myself, won my appeal and had my benefits reinstated. I was then able to continue my education and eventually win a scholarship to the University of California, Berkeley. I graduated with honors and secured a stable, well-paying job.
A national study of barriers to post secondary education faced by mothers receiving AFDC found that two-thirds of the thirty-two states surveyed allowed college only if JOBS caseworkers determined it to be "relevant" to the participant's employability plan -- even though 40 percent of the states surveyed provided no training for caseworkers in post secondary options.
Federal regulations are interpreted differently from state to state. Caseworkers unfamiliar with federal welfare rules on college attendance will still count student financial aid as income to justify canceling student mothers' welfare benefits -- just as mine did to me.
Lack of support services leaves low-income student parents susceptible to dropping out, as I almost did, or applying the same strategy they used to get their education -- doing it themselves. For example, the University of California, Berkeley, holds final exams on Saturday, yet child care centers are closed that day. Enterprising student moms wrote grant proposals and contracted with the city-run child care center to supervise kids whose parents had weekend exams -- for only $2 a day.
In recent years I have encouraged and organized groups of angry moms to speak out. They are learning that they can challenge rulings that take away benefits while they are in school. They can persuade commissioners and trustees to remove irrational barriers. By organizing and declaring what they need they can succeed in becoming educated, employed, and self-sufficient.

Seeking Like Minded Advocates

Seeking like minded advocates for welfare-reform issues.Age is not an issue as long as you are of working age, have political knowledge to some degree, and welfare reform Ocean/Monmouth County.Must have a sincere desire to help people, outlook,even when thing's appear bleak and willingness to better serve the community despite opposition on any level!

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Are You In Need Of Weekend/Evening Childcare?

Although almost 10 million children are on welfare today, the existing welfare system requires few of their parents to be in school or training. Welfare reform proposals, however, would require many more welfare recipients to participate in education or training as well as require them to find work after two years. Should such proposals be enacted, many more welfare parents will need child care subsidies. Yet only a small fraction of eligible parents have received child care subsidies. Furthermore, the fragmented nature of the child care funding streams, with entitlements to some client categories, time limits on others, and activity limits on others, produces unintended gaps in services. This limits the ability of low-income families to become self-sufficient.

If you are a single parent/parents, we would like to know if your family would benefit from weekend/evening child care in order to maintain employment or secure a better job?Your post is important so that it can be brought before the right people to obtain funding to cover second/third shift and weekend child care.The target is for the New Jersey/Ocean County area, but anyone else in a different state may also post their opinion.If we aren't letting anyone know there is a need for this type of extended care it won't be met.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Getting The Assistance You Need To Get Ahead And Become Indepent From The System

Everything is not covered. As you read this you may think, "well, it looks like it's all there." There is much more information...Please feel free to email me or post your comments with questions and I will answer them A.S.A.P

If you are not employed and have a child/children you are eligible to receive cash assistance,food stamps,Medicaid and assistance with housing this is called, TANF(Temporary Assistance For Needy Families). If you are not employed without children you are eligible to receive GA(General Assistance) and food stamps.

If you are denied TANF benefits please be aware this can effect all other assistance in the sense you will be placed on long waiting list's for other services and in some cases may not be eligible.As a TANF recipient the first step you take is to apply at your local Social Service Office.You are asked many questions to start the application process.Next your case worker will tell you to go to child support to determine if you receive child support.If you do receive child support a portion of your monthly TANF grant will be deducted based upon what you receive in child support monies making your grant less. For a single mother of one child your grant amount will be $322.00 a month, for a mother of two children, your grant amount will be $424.00 so on and so forth.

After you complete child support application you bring the finished paper work back to your case worker showing you have complied.Note, this can all be done in the same day, but can take up to five to six hours to do in one day! This is due in part to the time you have to wait in the waiting room to be called to start your application for Tanaf benefits.Generally, in the same or next building depending on the county in which you live you can walk over to complete the child support application, which doesn't take too long. Once your case worker has the child support application you are almost complete.The next step is to meet with a someone to complete a case management assessment, they discuss your goals, if you are in school,planning to go back to school etc..Again upon completion give that completed assessment to your worker.It is wise to complete child support after you apply for TANF benefits that same day, then case management assessment and finally bring all paper work back to your worker to get benefits processed as soon as possible.It will take thirty day's to process so getting all paper work in A.S.A.P. is best.Starting on the 1st,2nd or 3rd of the month based on your number you will begin receiving cash benefits, food stamps and Medicaid.

Tips! If you are in need of emergency food beyond what a food pantry can furnish emergency food stamps CAN be issued sooner than the thirty-day wait time.Case worker don't furnish this information.But I have seen this happen.Also, if you are in need of shelter,placed in a hotel, storage fee's can be paid on your property so you don't lose it and have it for when you find more permanent housing. If you do not have furniture, under the TRAP)Temporary Rental Assistance Program), you would qualify for a voucher to purchase furniture for your home.

You are required to enter a work program for up to one month called WFNJ(Work Force New Jersey), this is held at the PIC Office located at 1959 Rt.9, Toms River, New Jersey.You will be trained in a skill if you aren't already in school,taught how to write a resume, look for a job etc..Now, this is something I do not always agree with and where some parts of this program "must" be reformed! If you are going to school make sure you are securing a degree.Do not let a worker try and change your goal and tell you no benefits will be issued if you don't change your degree or leave school all together.This is untrue! Most cash assistance recipients that are required to participate in employment and work readiness activities should know this includes school! Education IS important, personally I would rather see those who already know how to seek employment,write a resume, focus on earning a degree so they can secure better paying jobs and not have to worry about entering the system again.

For the most part the issue is not that a cannot write a resume or they don't know how to look for a job, but generally it is a life altering circumstance that throws them off course for a time. This could be expecting a child,giving birth, having to leave a job, lose a job based on no future child care for the hours they were able to work, again in this area of concern the list of reasons are vast! As opposed to going out for countless cigarette breaks,ordering fast food for lunch at the center,hanging out talking and most times hanging out in the office pretending to look for jobs because people are told they have to stay each day for over five hours or they will be sanctioned, i.e. lose their benefits! It makes more sense for the individual on TANF to make good use of their time in school, focusing on home work and setting goals!

We have walked in on intent and researched based upon observation what a day would entail at a work program and have spent whole day's observing what goes on. This is a fact! But if you are the type of individual who has a goal and a dream DO NOT let anyone destroy it!Go to that office with a plan of action! So you don't have to spend six-eight hours a day in a office hanging out! Continue college, learn that trade and only go to that office to access their computers if you do not own one to write a resume, search for job or buy the paper! Don't settle for being told this is all you have! $322.00/$424.00 is NOT best! And because you have to take such benefits now it does not dictate where you will end up when you have a solid plan!

Most times work programs set schedules in the morning and afternoon for you to attend.Right when you are expected to be in class for that trade or college.You are allowed to go to school and should not have to leave so you can be at a work program, that defeats the purpose of advancing yourself to get off the system.Remember this, you are allowed to go to school, if a worker tells you, no, you must be here! Or you feel you are being forced to settle in a trade/course of study not of your choosing... If you find issues such as this contact the Board Of Freeholder's for Ocean County residence and discuss the matter.There contact can be found And if you go to Ocean County College this can be accessed as you can see through ocean edu. Also contact legal services and seek an advocate who can represent you in most cases for free based on your income, because they are paid by the state. Ocean County... Ocean-Monmouth Legal Services Toms River Office. telephone (732) 341-2727. The Cory Building 599 Route 37 West Toms River, NJ 08755 ...And inquire about your rights! That is the most important thing which is to "KNOW" your rights.

Before continuing please understand the point being made. There are a large number of people who do abuse the system, do not set goals, are working and lie to receive extra perks, but they are not the majority.As a social worker it appears it is the majority because they get burnt out! And it's a proven fact that people tend to remember the negative about something or someone then the positive! So, it appears to some worker's that "everyone" is out to bleed the system!Some worker's take on the profession for a job and this is truth. It pays the bill's! But must interject that even the worker's are under paid, which is another Welfare reform issue.

It's rare, but there are some case workers who see the individual applying for state assistance as a person with potential! And a worker who will in turn not only notice that in you, but will take the time out to inform you of the help available to you and "approve" you. More individual time needs to be given to each individual before judgements are made about their abilities, however each caseworker has thirty and more cases to process in a day and that is why most who seek help feel like a number and a lot of important information is lost. But this issue once again is a Welfare reform issue and I won't discuss further, well, not here anyway...In short Go with your goal presented to your worker,a plan for your household, what you would like to see happen for your family and that IS to move forward independently from the system.
Please don't allow anyone to group you into a class of people that don't share the same drive! You are going to the system which is hard enough and equally embarrassing.But it's a stepping stone to move away from it!

Once on TANF you do not have to be placed on a waiting list for child care.If you secure employment after a month or two of being on TANF day care is ready the day you have to start work! But if you are not on TANF you will be placed on the waiting list for six month's up to a year through CHS (Children Homes Society), also located in Toms River New Jersey! Sadly, enough, it almost encourages people to go on TANF, ie, Welfare, because they won't fear losing that job because day care is automatic! For the person who in a working single family home, because they receive a pay check they do not quailfy for TANF and are placed on a waiting list for child care. Let me be more clear. They would have to be making less than $322.00 a month in order to be approved for TANF or not working at all. By the time it takes for them to wait for child care they may have already lost their job.Now we have a new recipient who has entered the Welfare system and the number is growing.Now that individual has to start from the bottom, when all that was needed was child care to keep from going below the poverty guideline!

If you have a family member or a friend that is able to care for your child in your home and are on TANF, CHS(Children's Home Society), will help pay for that and this gets worked out by you placing a call to them.Keep in mind they pay by the hour and I believe the rate is still under $8.00 an hour. The going rate for a babysitter is between $10.00 and a nanny $25.00 an hour! So, it's not much when you compare rates for care. If you have an understanding friend or family member who can do this great! Generally, for most it's too little pay. CHS can be contacted at 732-557-9633

Further information will be posted in the week's ahead.....

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Electric High? Looking Out For Your Legal Rights

State Programs that help with energy assistance are as follows;Universal Service Fund (USF),Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP). You can call 1-800-510-3102 or visit

If you feel your bill is unusually high, and this means very high having nothing to do with the rate increase request a "Load Study" to be performed on your home! I have had Representatives try an tell customer's they can't have a Load Study performed because they are not a business, the sky is pink or it's not a real application! The sky being pink is clearly my over emphasising how real it is that Representatives have tried at some point to deter people from having a Load Study Application completed over the phone. We later found out it was because the two Representatives weren't familiar with the application themselves, checked with a supervisor upon request and then proceeded to take the application over the phone.So, generally you may get a Representative who is not familiar, in which case kindly ask to speak with a supervisor.The "Load Study" entails a number of questions, is painless and rather fast! It will determine if you are in fact paying too much for a bill each month and based on results bill is either adjusted or not.

Questions that are asked, how many television's are in the home?, computer's?,Jacuzzis? etc...they need to know about everything in the home that uses energy. If you don't have a television(some don't),a jacuzzi, you had new windows installed in the home which can contribute to keeping heat and cool air in, (providing they were installed properly),you don't owe from a back bill,then there should be no reason based upon additional measures you take to seriously conserve energy, that a two bedroom Apartment's heat bill should be six-hundred dollars a month gas or electric!

Keeping appliances unplugged when not in use is important and takes up a great deal of energy, not placing a thousand watt bulb(If they make them for a house/apt...wouldn't make sense which is the point), in the bathroom helps and having your meter testing if it is spinning way too fast. Example? Knowing everything is turned off in the home because you are going out, the only thing running is the refrigerator,water heater etc and the dial on your mete is at warp speed! This is called an incorrect meter.The electric or gas meter should not be running fast by more than 2% and if it is your bill should be adjusted. If it is running slow, the utility company cannot ask you to pay the amount you were undercharged, unless the meter was tampered with or failed to register at all, or you should have known that the bill did not reflect actual usage.Unless the meter was tampered with, the utility company should allow you to pay the undercharged amount in installments over a period of time equal to the period that you wAdd Videoere undercharged.

If you suspect that your meter is not operating properly, you can ask the utility company to test the meter.The test is free as long as you do not ask for one more than once in a 12-month period.If you ask the BPU to conduct a test, there is a $5 fee.

Other steps you can take is contacting the BPU to dispute charges based on problems paying the utility bill because of an incorrect charge or because it is difficult to anticipate what the charge will be.Contact the electric company first and if the matter is still unresolved within five days contact the BPU and ask for an investigation of the disputed charge.Once the dispute is before the Board, collection activity on the charge, including termination of service,must CEASE until it has been resolved. And the electric company does not shut off on Friday's/weekends. I've heard some people get scared while in the middle of a dispute discuss how they were told they were getting shut off and on a Friday,leaving them without electric all weekend before they could deal with the matter further on a Monday (business day), they cannot terminate service on the weekend.

You may be able to discharge a utility bill that you are unable to pay by filing for bankruptcy.If the bankruptcy court discharges the debt and relieves you of the responsibility of paying the bill, you may continue to get service from your utility provider, but you will be required to post a new deposit.It is usually not a good idea to file bankruptcy primarily to deal with a utility bill.There may be components to pursuing bankruptcy,and before doing so you should speak with an attorney.If you are eligible for Legal Services assistance, you can contact your regional Legal Service office or the LSNJ-LAW hot line at 1-888-576-5529 for a telephone appointment with an advocate who can assist you further.

Welfare/Social Service Issues...

The first post is the most important.Time and again I have visited state welfare agencies in person or by phone asking many questions...One important question is, "Do you have an estimated number of families in need of child care for evening and weekend shifts? Such parents may be a nurse,CNA,work in the post office late (mail always' circulate), the list of jobs are extensive and I'm curious to know if day care needs are being met so these parents may maintain employment or secure employment?" The answer every time has shocked me! I am being told there is no need for it, no parent has asked for such services etc...One worker stated and I quote,"When a parent tell's me what they would like to do for work or skilled in (TANF recipient),I ask if they have the child care that will cover the shifts to work such a job? If they say, no, I'm a nurse and need evening child care, then I tell them to find a different type of career where they can secure child care and be able to work."This is a very big problem! Forcing a client off TANAF based on unavailable resources, "The rush and get them out there working at any cost method lacks a vital element(Not really hearing the client needs) and the purpose of the program has just failed that individual placing them at greater risk of re-entering the Welfare System!

The client's skills are not only being undermined, but now they are forced to take on a job they aren't skilled in based on restricted child care slots,more money is spent on additional training concerning an area of work they may not like to start with, they risk taking a huge cut in pay, in addition that individual is now more likely to re-enter the system.It is not enough to say to that parent who is a nurse, "Take an office job some where!" That is not the solution financially for that household, nor does it address the issue of limited child care. There are very few nine to five jobs these day's, job's do require some if not every weekend shifts, nights, some require travel. The truth of the matter is the need for such extended childcare service is great and that need is growing!

I was appalled to hear one worker clearly state, "In my thirty-year's" One person went for their nursing degree! I was outraged by the lack of compassion, it showed me by that comment a judgement was being made not giving another human being any credit or hope and I thought,"Why would this worker be so bold to lie about that estimation to start with? Perhaps, she was unaware(because I didn't inform her until after her remark...which she then exclaimed and I quote,"I'm speechless!"), that research has been done and survey's were collected on foot by those in the community and on the system all clearly voicing their need for extended child care, in addition to my finding more than five parents who obtained a degree in nursing were told by a worker to change careers based on lack of child care and other's in the process of securing such a degree practically having to fight for it because they are being told to do something else! Nursing is one example there are many other career's clients are being told they cannot do based on limited child care. And I will touch on other issues through out the months!

Extended childcare is a big need in our community! And for those who verbally suggest otherwise claiming they are the voice of the community, I have directly gone to those in the community,documented,they wrote testimonies and in those voices are making clear they have this need and it's going unmet. The additional money it takes to train someone for a different career based upon day care restrictions, would better serve as a source of funding toward day care's in the area already willing to step up to the plate and open their doors for extended childcare services. This creates more job opportunities for those willing to work in child care. And those on TANF can secure employment where they are not taking a cut in pay working in a profession they never wanted to start with cause they were told to settle.

To settle leaves that TANF door wide open again for that client. And while you have those who have misused the system or those who have lost hope and depend on it with no future goals...On the other end you have a large number of people who are growing very leery and angry of being grouped into the above mentioned categories who refuse to settle! And those voices are standing up in greater numbe.As proposed in the State Plan for (TANF) FFY 2009-FFY 2011 Under Program Goals # 2 End the dependence of needy parents on government by promoting job goes on, but that is the important proposed goal.And #8 Provide a variety of post TANF supportive services to help them maintain their independence from welfare cash assistance program and improve their family circumstances.

Currently, what has been proposed is not being met and child care is one issue that needs to be addressed, forward the myth that it's not needed should be abolished! And for every worker that states this is not a need(Lord, only know's why they would want to conceal this need), will be met with one survey per opposing case worker from a client in the community who has a testimony stating otherwise! Feel free to share your testimony....