Saturday, August 21, 2010

Free Attorney Richard Fine

August 21, 2010Dear President Obama:Dear Representative Adler :Dear Senator Lautenberg:Dear Senator Menendez:
The people of this nations are calling for the intervention of President Obama. During the presidential campaign, President Obama made a promise that he would listen to the people. The people are now calling out for intervention..The people of this nation are requesting that President Obama contact both International attorney Richard I. Fine and Dr. Shirley Moore. It is the peoples belief that they both would be a great asset in assisting your team to restore honest and fair services back into our government.It is also the people's belief that both would help to ensure accountability, create jobs and restore trust and bring about positive change back into our perspective communities. The world has observed International Attorney Fine sit in the Los Angeles County Jail for over eighteen month's now...Attorney Fine has being retaliated against all because he has exposed the court system in the state of California...We have observed him being denied "Due Process" on every level.We the people have observed an innocent citizen (attorney Fine) be terrorized by his own Country and not one person in authority has spoken out..We the people were of the belief that we were fighting a war on terrorism not perpetrating it. In addition, how can our government attempt to fight for those that are illegally here in the Country, example the lawsuit against Arizona, at the same time, this very same government sit's silent as a legal citizen is being tortured.Free attorney Fine now!

Pressing Foward...

For several years now I've networked with many non-profit groups in reference for the need to have a community center to help the homeless, and to serve as an out reach for families who struggle, but are denied help because they are told they make too much! There was a season in years past where some groups weren't open to my ideas, but that has changed, so I decided to give the presentation a go one last time!

I've learned now that certain groups wanted me to present this project, share my ideas and leave everything in writing, but basically walk away?! Having been homeless myself for over a year, struggled much, dealt with wolves,rejection has not only made me stronger, but it is how the idea to have this center was created, so leaving my material and walking away is not an option! I decided to have a little faith in people in this group even still, so I continued with their offers to meet .There are three non-profits interested in my ideas, they asked me to meet with them, and their hook was they would like to move forward and join me on this project, but then asked me to leave my work with them?! My response has been..."I would like for us to work together, and only then will I give the full presentation on how the center will operate when this happens, however the offer at the end of these meeting's always posed the same question from one or more group members..."Can you leave the material?" I've learned many of these groups have the idea, but they lack the programs and how to run the center, which is what I worked on while being homeless to date! They need this second part in order for the county to approve any funding.Mind you up until now I did not have an attorney.

Every person has a vision.Each persons vision will meet a need, and one vision isn't more important than another, so I've learned if people have their own agenda let them flourish with their own ideas, but I can't force them to join in my vision, which means it's unwise for me to just leave my ideas/work with them, when I have work to do.

Conclusion?...This New Year I will be setting up non-profit status on my own now. The work I've finished for program design and how to run the center will be my business plan, in addition to my mission statement etc. I will run an add in the Asbury Park Press seeking additional volunteers and groups that share in this vision to move this goal forward! I have pledges already, along with a great deal of support.The only thing needed is the building! Which is why I will register on my own under non-profit status to collect those pledges and get the building. I want to thank those who have been supporting me and making me realize a number of thing's not only for my protection, but the protection of this project!Time is short, and the need is great in reaching out to the homeless! It's time for me to focus in order to move forward. I've heard what I needed to hear. I've seen what I needed to see, and will have to participate in less meeting's to maintain my focus.

Maria Lemmo