Saturday, January 31, 2009

Are You In Need Of Weekend/Evening Childcare?

Although almost 10 million children are on welfare today, the existing welfare system requires few of their parents to be in school or training. Welfare reform proposals, however, would require many more welfare recipients to participate in education or training as well as require them to find work after two years. Should such proposals be enacted, many more welfare parents will need child care subsidies. Yet only a small fraction of eligible parents have received child care subsidies. Furthermore, the fragmented nature of the child care funding streams, with entitlements to some client categories, time limits on others, and activity limits on others, produces unintended gaps in services. This limits the ability of low-income families to become self-sufficient.

If you are a single parent/parents, we would like to know if your family would benefit from weekend/evening child care in order to maintain employment or secure a better job?Your post is important so that it can be brought before the right people to obtain funding to cover second/third shift and weekend child care.The target is for the New Jersey/Ocean County area, but anyone else in a different state may also post their opinion.If we aren't letting anyone know there is a need for this type of extended care it won't be met.


Anonymous said...


I have over 15 years of experience working in a daycare and I currently work in a school district!Sent seperate email, with personal contact information.

Anonymous said...

HI! I'm interested in evening and weekend day care. I don't get any child support from my daughter's dad. I never applied for any help. Don't even know where to start.I sent you a personal email with more about my situation.


Anonymous said...

Interested in evening & weekend day care. I'm having trouble w/ income $ food. I've been denied for everything, but medicad.

kmc20 said...

Hi, i just turned 20 in january and i have a 21 month old son. and am due to have a daughter in april. I would really like to start working it would be good for me it would not only get me out of the house but it can get me started on a better life for me and my kids a i am with the father however he is young as well and only makes about $250 a week if that and we have no buy baby supplies and pay my mom rent and buy food i would really love to go to college part time as well and eventually live on my own with my kids but its really hard cause any job i start with will pay minimum wage and my check would go to daycare and with no money to save and at that point i mine as well stay home and care for them myself i really need to get out of this house and get a job buts its almost impossible with daycare being almost $800 how would i save anything how would i be able to get my own place i really need this help i may be young and have 2 kids but at least im trying and i wanna give them a better life im trying to get out on my own im trying to go to college and im trying to save money aside and my kids deserve the best and i cant due any of that without a lil help and when i graduate college and save some money then i can pay for day care im just asking for someone to please help me with the first step up and then ill climb the rest on my own id really appritiate it. thanks

MContessa said...

Let me start by asking,where are you located? Every state is different when it comes to resources,and I would need to know what state you reside in to be able to better assist you.

Secondly,if you have a way I can reach you via email that would also be very helpful.My search pulled up,kmc20 at this blog spot, but no way to reach you without posting a reply privately.In the meant time the reply may be for public viewing.

The first thing I can say to you is be encouraged and don't give up!If you want to attend school you can, if you want better for your household it will happen.Currently, the due date of second child is months away.In the interm put together a list of goals you have for yourself.Much like what you wrote in the post you sent.Depending on when you are cleared by your doctor to return back to work will depend on when you can start taking steps to move forward.

I have more information for you, but again would need to know what state you are in to continue forward and I will do my best to direct you, as well as encourage you in the steps ahead!Please locate the email link at the start of my page,click it and you can send me an email.


The Dancing Butterfly said...

There is totally a need for this. I provide childcare for one evening/week for a single mom with 2 kids in my community to attend a college class. She is about to start an internship through a program social services put her through and they have terminated her benefits a month before she will start receiving a pay check.

Anonymous said...

I am in Hunterdon. I believe her benefits were terminated bc a court order was entered for child support even though she did not yet receive what she was supposed to. The whole thing was nearly a fiasco though. The internship that was part of the program that social services sent her to had hours from 7:00 - 4:00, and the norwescap daycares didn't have drop off until 7, and the internship hours weren't all during the work week either so she had to find additional care for Saturday or Sunday. She asked norwescap about paying me to watch them 45 hours/week and what they were willing to pay was about 1.75 per kid per hour.

Anonymous said...

I am a single mom, not by choice but by divorce. I am new to NJ and needless to say am having trouble finding employment; affordable preschool/daycare. Unfortunately my town does not offer public pre-school.I am out of work since July, at that point child care was $987.00 a month. Different centers around my area weren't that much cheaper. When I was looking through what you wrote last week I figured I would help out. I never thought about working at night because the of the fact I would not have childcare.