Saturday, August 21, 2010

Free Attorney Richard Fine

August 21, 2010Dear President Obama:Dear Representative Adler :Dear Senator Lautenberg:Dear Senator Menendez:
The people of this nations are calling for the intervention of President Obama. During the presidential campaign, President Obama made a promise that he would listen to the people. The people are now calling out for intervention..The people of this nation are requesting that President Obama contact both International attorney Richard I. Fine and Dr. Shirley Moore. It is the peoples belief that they both would be a great asset in assisting your team to restore honest and fair services back into our government.It is also the people's belief that both would help to ensure accountability, create jobs and restore trust and bring about positive change back into our perspective communities. The world has observed International Attorney Fine sit in the Los Angeles County Jail for over eighteen month's now...Attorney Fine has being retaliated against all because he has exposed the court system in the state of California...We have observed him being denied "Due Process" on every level.We the people have observed an innocent citizen (attorney Fine) be terrorized by his own Country and not one person in authority has spoken out..We the people were of the belief that we were fighting a war on terrorism not perpetrating it. In addition, how can our government attempt to fight for those that are illegally here in the Country, example the lawsuit against Arizona, at the same time, this very same government sit's silent as a legal citizen is being tortured.Free attorney Fine now!

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